Monarch trauma based programming software

This book contains a great deal of factual information but lacks a cohesive explanation of trauma based mind control. Dezember 1957 in muskegon, michigan ist eine amerikanische. Origins and techniques of monarch mind control the vigilant. If knowledge can be passed genetically which it is, then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the monarch mind control. Mk ultra has too many forms of programming to mention in one short clip and more research is required into the subject. Monarch provides highquality care and trauma informed services in a nurturing environment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental illness and substance use disorders statewide. Trauma programming revelation of the method fearmongering p sy o p psychological operations mind control p sychological warfare. This is known as electronic programming and is a standard programming device in all forms of project monarch. Probably the most obvious and disturbing symbol is the monarch butterfly on his left shoulder, which represents in pop occult symbolism, monarch programming, a form of traumabased mind control. You see it in our television programming like west world and we have seen it in the past in our movie cinemas with movies like the matrix, elysium, bicentennial man, iron man, the ever popular avatar, and the newest one that is now set to be released soon, ghost in the shell. Monarch, and mkultra mind control programs 3 of 15 mob rules, babylon. Whether an illuminati mindcontrolled slave is technically in the monarch records or out of the actual monarch program data files kept on computer is merely a technicality.

It is a continuation of project mkultra, a mindcontrol program developed by the cia, and. Monarch programming is also used on the masses via movies, televisions, and music. Ritual abuse and traumabased mind control in the body of christ the apostle paul commanded believers in the church of galatiaand hence believers everywhere and at all timesto. It is a continuation of project mkultra, a mindcontrol program developed by the cia, and tested on the military and civilians. Supposedly, she was then forced by the cia to participate in project monarch. Monarch trauma based mind control seekers of the truth.

Monarch programming and mind control stranger dimensions. The film quickly proved to be an occult hit and eventually became used in 90% of trauma based programming. Private web based training is live, internet based training using your internet connected computer and telephone. Reprogramming in this book refers to handlers undoing deprogramming work during accessing. Illuminati programmers designed star wars for use in traumabase mind control programming. This book is written to destroy trauma based mind control before it destroys the human race. Monarch connects to multiple data sources including structured and unstructured data, cloud based data, and big data. Mkultramonarch sodomytrauma programming color training the open scroll. Transhumanism, you may have noticed, is the new push lately. Some are mostly trauma psyops eg sharon tate murder by manson waco 911, others, where revelation of the method s are numerous, appear to be aimed deeper at hope, to demoralize e.

Most of the ruling criminal elite are heavily involved in the occult and have long known that early childhood. Some indicators of traumabased mind control programming. Monarch mind control programming is a mind programming that is passed on gentically and it has to do with a mind being able to dissasociate itself at a very early age 18 months around. A word of caution for survivors of intensively systematic mind control andor some form of ritualized abuse. Due to the severe trauma induced through ect, sexual abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Monarch represents an important pillar of the new world order. During this process, a satanic ritual, usually including cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or. Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. Monarch allows users to reuse information from existing computer reports, such as text, pdf and html files. Project monarch could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. New developments in traumabased mind control 31 jan 2014 facebook update from fritz springmeier with insights to new trauma based mind control developers from 2014. Nov 01, 2007 this list only provides common indicators.

Origins and techniques of monarch mind control monarch programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. Formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder, it is presently recognized as dissociative identity disorder and is the basis for monarch programming. Deprogramming modalities for trauma mind control survivors. Monarch programming in men page 2 the vigilant citizen forums. Photo shoots, music videos, and movies often glamorize and trivialize mind control and its symbolism by associating it with famous stars and trendy happenings. If knowledge can be passed genetically, then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the monarch mindcontrol. The monarch project is a mind control program, developed by the cia, under project mkultra. Dec 12, 2012 monarch programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. This book is written to destroy traumabased mind control before it destroys the human race. The illuminati formula to create an undetectable total.

Monarch can show you all the transactions for one particular customer. One of the items of the cult is to take the plant datura stramonium and add this plant with other things. Cathy obrien or cathleen ann obrien born december 4, 1957, muskegon, michigan is an american author and speaker who claims to be a victim of a government mind control program called project monarch which she alleges was part of the cias project mkultra. Monarch programming system new world order satanic ritual abuse sra switching. Dedication this book is dedicated to the two million americans and counting who have been programmed with monarch type trauma based mind control. The illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total. Monarch programming is a trauma based mindcontrol method that became the classified successor of mkultra, which was a program developed by the cia during the 50s and 60s. Premature birth is also important because the naturally occuring events occured in a premature birth insure that the child is naturally traumatized.

Clinical data management has been working hard to bring you the latest innovations in trauma registry software. When you are born in an mkultra family, you endure trauma based mind control from childhood to an adult, to split your mind into alters. Private webbased training in monarch pro recordmining data. A look into disney trauma based mind control program.

Trauma based mind control programming archives take the. Michelle monarchtrauma based mind control imagery in r. The methods are astonishingly sadistic its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim and the expected results are. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of humanity. For example, you may want to extract data from a report on customer transactions for a certain time period. This causes a form of multiplepersonality disorder, allowing the programmer or handler to mold these dissociated minds into new, controllable personalities.

This is an autobiography of a mind controlled monarch survivor. Thats because monarch can unlock the vast amounts of critical data buried in reports and documents and turn it into data that you can use now. Observing a satanic family conditioning their children other items that parents do to their monarch children an overview some of the elements which the monarch program shares with other typical types of cult mind control are. Connecting to data, cleansing and manipulating data requires no coding. Deprogramwiki has a massive collection of resources that attempts to cover all areas of deprogramming and programming. Joseph mengele of auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma based monarch project and the cia s mk ultra mind control programs. Seeing as though paris comes from a long line of the elite multigenerational incestuous hilton family, if you didnt know that, you do now we can see how simple it is for paris to be involved with many hollywood party girls programming, including trauma, public beratement, porn, abuse and other fun monarch skills she was born to emulate. Users define models that describe the layout of data in the report file, and the software parses the data into a tabular format. The movie stars candy, mariel hemingway, emma samms, raymond burr, et al. Illuminati, mkultra, monarch, trauma based, programming, mind control, home alone, movies, john candy see my sites section on movies and conspiracy theories, the illuminati, the nwo, etc. Monarch program traumabased mind control most of the ruling criminal elite are heavily involved in the occult and have long known that early childhood trauma can produce multiple personalities and that those personalities can be controlled and kept hidden until needed. Nov 06, 2017 how mind control programming affects us all. About deprogramming techniques explored within deprogramming modalities.

The deprogramming methods explored in this book are non invasive, and avoid the use of drugs, codes and. Deprogramming relates to anything that can help undo and heal the survivors negative thoughts and habits resulting from ritual trauma and move into a. Mindcontrolled slave, it is a traumabased mind control which programs. Disney gathered input from illuminati programmers and applied the best mind control techniques known at the time in the planning of fantasia.

It is important to understand the foundation of how and why this type of mind control works, with respect to trauma, dissociation and subsequent programming. Monarch can also import data from ole db odbc data sources, spreadsheets and desktop databases. Known as the monarch project, it has been verified and corroborated by numerous survivors like cathy obrien, author of tranceformation of america, brice taylor, author of starshine, and k. Dec 16, 2019 because there are many layers, parts of ourself knew, and had many memories of certain things happening in our life, but the front part of our system that faced the outside world, they had no recall or memory at all that associated them to illuminati programming or trauma based mind control. The cult is a blanket term that refers to all cults that practice trauma mind control. The question is whether there is mk ultramonarch trauma based mind control programing symbolism or rather, premised, in the 1991 ad john candy movie delirious. The vodoun cult in haiti is being used for traumabased mind control. The trauma based mind control program is named the monarch after the monarch butterfly.

The fact, however, remains that these references celebrate one of the most abominable practices known to man. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking nazis were secretly moved into the united states and south america in the aftermath of world war ii in an operation designated paperclip. It is important to stress that the label monarch is used in this book in a generic sense for the modern trauma based total mindcontrol that is taking place. Josef mengele aka doctor green or the angel of death during wwii and for many years following. Under project monarch, victims, usually young children, are subjected to intense trauma, inflicted to the point at which their minds dissociate from the experience. If knowledge can be passed genetically which it is, then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the monarch mindcontrol. The plant is the active ingredient of a potent psychoactive drug, the zombi cucumber which produces amnesia and a pseudodeath of the victim.

Many details about michael jacksons life remain obscure. This book is dedicated to the two million americans and counting who have been programmed with monarch type trauma based mind control. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the. The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. The year of pluto new horizons documentary brings humanity closer to the edge of the solar system duration. Oct 02, 2014 all comments approved, that respect others. Monarch programming monarch mind control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brains trauma response of dissociation to create a form of multiple personality disorder mpd wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master handler in monarch parlance. Monarch trauma based mind control reverse engineering. Is this an illuminati mkultra monarch trauma based. Alpha the first programming put in includes giving slaves a photographic memory that records everything every alter sees or hears. Ritual abuse and traumabased mind control in the body of christ the apostle paul commanded believers in the church of galatiaand hence believers everywhere and at all timesto bear one anothers burdens gal 6. The stories even teach how to create an internal world and its parts. This article is meant to be a simplistic overview of trauma based mind control as has been employed in the mkultra monarch programming method. The world of mind control through the eyes of an artist.

For the past several years, our developers have created a whole new approach to our already dynamic reporting systems, utilizing stepbystep wizards. Monarch can quickly convert disparate data formats into rows and columns. Cdm is very excited to announce the next level for our traumabase system, version 9. Mkultra programming is a loose term used to refer to trauma based conditioning where through trauma and torture a persons personality is split into multiple conditioned memory segments with post hypnotic suggestions. You can incorporate your data extraction and reporting requirements, just like my onsite training, thereby completing projects you have on your desk and insuring a positive roi. Those include moderators, musicians, politicians, actors, sportsmen and more. And recently, we opened the secu youth crisis center, a monarch program in charlotte, which provides mental health care to children and teens. The analogy behind the codenamed the monarch, is based on the monarch butterflys ability to pass on the knowledge of its roots to its offspring via genetics. Cathy obrien or cathleen ann obrien born december 4, 1957, muskegon, michigan is an american author and speaker who claims to be a victim of a government mind control program called project monarch which.

However, the presence of indicators does not prove the existence of programming trauma. Walt disney himself was complicit in mk ultramonarch trauma based mind. Traumabased mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victims capacity for conscious processing through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory overstimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, neardeath, and then employs suggestion andor classical and operant conditioning consistent with wellestablished behavioral modification principles to implant thoughts, directives, and. Its a system of methodologies advanced significantly by dr. Project mkultra or mkultra, also called the cia mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the u. The illuminati formula used to create an undetectable. Sort and filter the data and perform your own custom analyses. Most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators.

Imperial conditioning is another term used, while some mental health therapists know it as conditioned stimulus response sequences. Their absence does not mean a person has no such trauma. Deprogramming undoing and healing from trauma mind control. Monarch is a market leading desktop based selfservice data preparation solution. You define the criteria to select or exclude data based on your requirements. After the illuminati saw some of their puppets slipping and expose some truth, all important authorities and celebrities have been replaced by monarch slaves. Central intelligence agency, some of which were illegal. Monarch programming in men page 2 the vigilant citizen. Because there are many layers, parts of ourself knew, and had many memories of certain things happening in our life, but the front part of our system that faced the outside world, they had no recall or memory at all that associated them to illuminati programming or trauma based mind control. Traumabased mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victims capacity for conscious processing through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory overstimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, neardeath, and then employs suggestion andor classical and operant conditioning. Theyre essentially unrelated programs that both utilized trauma based mind control. The basis for the success of the monarch mindcontrol programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times.

The monarch program is based upon illuminati and ni goals to create a master race in part through genetics. Michelle monarchtrauma based mind control imagery in. Mkultramonarch sodomytrauma programming color training the great benefit in becoming familiar with programming and the practice of witchcraft and the beliefs of occultists is that it helps us recognize when these things are. The ptsd in monarch victims is masked by the mpddid and the programming. It is also written as part of gods end time work to propel people of faith to the high calling that is prophesied of the body, but. Along this line, the following are samples of traumas done to program slaves. It is therefore recommended not to read it unless appropriate support systems are in. Hence the reason many monarch survivors drug mulesprostitutes recall being taken onto certain us military bases and freedom ranch a. Mkultramonarch sodomytrauma programming color training. Jul 14, 2017 missing time, missing marriage and missing life. Traumabased mind control programming 101 break the mk.

How the monarch program miniturizes what is done on a large scale. Basic overview of trauma based mind control this article is meant to be a simplistic overview of trauma based mind control as has been employed in the mkultra monarch programming method. The illuminati formula to create an undetectable total mind. Feb 07, 2016 mkultra programming is a loose term used to refer to trauma based conditioning where through trauma and torture a persons personality is split into multiple conditioned memory segments with post hypnotic suggestions. Posts about alice in wonderland programming written by athenahunt. Suicidal and selfharm impulses andor thoughts that do not feel like they originate in. They are used to desensitize the public or to trigger programs in mindcontrolled slaves. And, monarch is the smart business intelligence software that gives you the power to keep the data and lose the paper. The monarch program is based upon illuminati and nazi goals to create a master race in part through genetics. For individual application in understanding a survivor of monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the monarch victims personal case and situation.

Origins and techniques of monarch mind control the. Mk ultra monarch programming trauma based mind control. A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlled by the puppet master, hence monarch programming is also referred to as the marionette syndrome. The title is also misleading as project monarch began in the 1950s before operation phoenix which began in 1967 during the vietnam war.

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